Ready, Set, Go

Ready or not it’s time for another school year.  I welcome you to 5th grade!   Fifth-grade is an exciting year and a time to learn how to switch classes with 6 different teachers everyday.  We all love to teach and are looking so forward to getting to know each of you.  Get plenty of rest, enjoy your weekend and come ready to learn with a big smile on your face.

Always remember to keep a smile on your face and let your personality be your autograph.  See you Monday!

Important Upcoming Events

PhotobucketMark your calendars for two upcoming important events you don’t want to miss. We proudly invite you to attend our end of the year 5th grade program to be presented Thursday, May 26, 2011, in the elementary cafeteria. We will begin at 8:30 and bring things to a close around 9:45. On Friday, May 27, 2011, we will honor our 5th graders with awards in the elementary gym at 8:15 – 10:00ish. You are free to check your child out afterwards with the homeroom teacher on both of these days. Any student that plans on leaving with another student must have a note from his/her parent (if their parent is not present to sign him/her out). All students remaining at the school on both of these days will be dismissed between 12:00-12:15.

Our 5th grade program will involve the most important ideas we’ve taught to your child this school year. Yes academics are important, but more importantly is the way we conduct ourselves and treat others. We have worked hard this school year to instill qualities of honor and respect toward themselves, others, and their community and country. Our goal is to exemplify these characteristics through our sharing of songs and personal writings. This program is held Thursday, May 26, in the elementary cafeteria beginning at 8:30.

Our awards’ ceremony will concern handing out 5th grade certificates containing accomplishments your child has achieved this school year. We will also present our 5th grade slide show, which will display 5th grade memories for this entire 2010-2011 school year. Our awards’ ceremony is held Friday, May 27, in the elementary gym beginning at 8:15.

We hope you are able to attend both activities. Thanks for sharing your child with us this school year! It has been a pleasure!

Spring Pictures-March 9th


All students will have their picture made on Wednesday, March 9th.

Each student will later receive a proof that will go home for consideration. At that time parents will complete the order form and return it with payment for any desired purchases.

Purchase is not required in order to have the student’s picture made.

Come wearing your best smile

TAKS Testing begins…

Ready, Set, Write!  That is what will take place on Tuesday, March 1st. Our 4th Grade will be taking the TAKS Writing test. This is an important day for these 9 and 10 year olds, and we need to show them that we are in full support of their efforts.

Please remember that because of test security, there will be NO VISITORS allowed in the building for any of the intermediate grades – 3rd, 4th, or 5th.  Also, all intermediate students need to plan to either eat in the cafeteria or bring a lunch from home that morning as NO FOOD may be brought in from outside on TAKS testing dates.

Our students and teachers are the best, and we cannot wait for the scores to show just that.

Good Luck, 4th Grade!

TAKS Practice


5th graders will be taking practice TAKS tests this week.  Wednesday, February 16th, will be math and Friday, Februray 18th, will be reading.  Students are encouraged to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast for these days of testing.  Students may bring a room temperature bottle of water.  Attendance and promptness are very important on these days.  If appointments are scheduled on either of these two testing days, we ask that you please reschedule.  We also ask that no outside food or lunch visitors show up at lunch on testing days.  Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience.