What is Respect?

Respect Song Remix Lyrics

Respect Yourself by working hard and doing what’s right
Being honest with yourself and telling the truth

Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect the School
That is just what we do

Respecting Others by taking turns and sharing our things
Treating others with love and all together we sing

Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect the School
That is just what we do

Respect the School by cleaning up and walking in a straight line
Staying quiet in the hall and handing work in on time

Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect the School
That is just what we do

Grade Information

Today ends the first half of the second six weeks. In Language Arts we have four grades. The test they are taking today will be posted after three week progress reports go home. Look for the progress reports on Thursday. This six weeks marking period is only five weeks long. This will cause fewer grades this marking period.
Entry #1 Unit 5 Spelling Test
Entry #2 Unit 6 Spelling Test
Entry #3 Figurative Language Booklet
Entry #4 Multiple Meaning Vocabulary
All students should have these recorded on their yellow grade sheet in their binder. At any time you can request your child to bring this home for you to check on their grades.

More Ways to Become an Informed Parent

If you would like to keep track of your child’s grades as they are posted, Skyward can help.  All that it is required of you is to go in and adjust the email settings once you have signed up.  After you have signed up, click on “email notifications” on the left. You can then choose to receive a daily or weekly email notification. Just another perk of Skyward!  If you  need more information about Skyward, contact the White Oak Intermediate Office.

Important Reminder

Okay Smiey

Important Reminder

Please look for the orange or pink reminder sheet that went home with your child today about the upcoming 5th grade Parent Orientation to be held on Monday, September 12, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria. Come meet all of your child’s teachers as well as learn about the fifth grade program and the exciting year ahead!

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Monster Truck Fall National’s Sept. 17th.


Once again our White Oak Education Foundation is hosting the Monster Truck Fall Nationals at the Lonestar Motor Speedway in Kilgore, Texas. The fund raiser event will take place on Saturday, September 17th beginning at 7:30 p.m. and will feature some of the biggest names in monster trucks. Tickets are on sale now at Baskins Department Store, Cavender’s Boot City and area ABC Auto Parts store. Listen to KNUE 101.5, Mix 93.1, Hot 107.3 and 96X Rock for more details, or you may visit the White Oak Education Foundation website to purchase your tickets online.

We will see you there!

Important 5th Grade Information

Parents, there are several things you might want to go ahead and put on your busy schedules:

1.  Be looking for a letter your child will be bringing home on Monday, August 29th.  This letter will serve to help you throughout the year by giving you the guidelines with which we operate in 5th grade.  Also, you will have again a list of each 5th grade teacher’s email address and phone number.

2.  Please make plans to attend a very important PARENT ORIENTATION meeting on Monday, September 12.  This meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria at 6:30p.m.

3.  Please subscribe to all teacher’s blogs.  Each teacher will be posting important information pertinent to her/his class.  This may include homework assignments, bonus opportunities, project information,  and test dates and study information.

First Day of 5th Grade

Today was a great day with 5th grade.  We put up supplies and talked about the importance of being a great person of honor.  All the 5th grade teachers shared a sentimental object and asked that each student bring one to share.  We went over the rules of school and reminded the students the importance of following our CHAMPs expectations.  We know after today this will be an awesome year and we look so forward to sharing this with our 5th graders.  Enjoy our pictures from today!

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