Cookie Dough Delivery Tomorrow

Intermediate students will have their Cookie Dough Delivery tomorrow, Thursday, December 12th. Students who have up to 4 items may take their delivery with them. Any student who has 5 or more must have a parent come to pick up their order. Orders will be stacked in the gym, and you will need to see Arthur when you come to pick up your order. Thank you again for your support.




A Challenge has been issued! Today Coach Underwood and Coach Cloud went to the White Oak Brookshire’s to borrow three shopping carts to hold the canned goods that intermediate students were bringing to donate to the Temporary Assistance Program. Manager Gene Walker has issued a challenge to all third, fourth, and fifth grade classes. The Grade Level (3rd, 4th, or 5th) that brings in the most canned goods will not only win extra recess time as promised by Mrs. Parker, but they will also receive $50 toward a Grade Level Celebration courtesy of White Oak Brookshire’s.

The canned food drives ends ON FRIDAY! This only gives you TWO MORE DAYS to bring those items in and place them in your grade level’s shopping cart.

Much needed food items are canned meats, canned fruit and vegetables, canned soup with meat, dried spaghetti and sauce, ravioli, boxed dinners, oatmeal and cereal. We would like to encourage students to bring at least one food item.  If every student brings just one, we will have more than 600 food items to donate! We will have representatives from the White Oak Temporary Assistance Program (TAP) here on November 22nd to accept our donation.

Let’s fill those baskets until they overflow.

Shoe War

SHOE WAR @ White Oak Middle, Intermediate & Primary Schools!
Starts March 25th ends April 12th.
Attempting to collect 1,000 pairs of OLD TENNIS SHOES to recycle!
The grade with the most shoes will WIN an Ice Cream Party
Sponsored by Jacob Young!

Early Release Friday, March 29th

There will be an Early Release on Friday, March 29th. Primary campus will dismiss at 12:00 with Easter parties taking place from 9:00-10:00. The afternoon PreK classes will meet with the morning classes.

The Intermediate campus will dismiss at 12:00 with Easter parties taking place from 9:30-10:30. Please check the blog calendar for Easter party locations listed per grade level.

We hope that each of you have a wonderful holiday!

Fifth Grade Parents Meeting

Excited Smiley Group photo woot_jump.gif

Fifth grade parents you are invited to come on February 26th to meet Ms. Freeman, in the elementary cafeteria at 5:00pm. We will also be sharing with you the information we have received in regards to this being an SSI year for your fifth grader and what it means for them.

Below are some important dates for the rest of this month:

February 26th- 5th Grade Parent Meeting in elementary cafeteria at 5:00pm

February 27th- Early Release

February 28th- 3rd and 4th Grade Reading Benchmark, 5th Grade Science Benchmark