It is time for the 5th grade Easter party. Our Easter party will be on Friday March 29 from 9:30-10:30 on the football field. One activity is going to be an Easter egg hunt. To help with the egg hunt, we are asking for each child to bring 12 plastic candy filled eggs and an empty egg carton no later than Wednesday, March 27th. No baskets are needed; we are using the egg cartons for the egg hunt. If for some reason you cannot send either the eggs or the carton, please let your child’s homeroom teacher know as soon as possible. If you have extra egg cartons please send them with your child. There are some parents that would be willing to send extra if necessary. We don’t want any child to be left out. After the party parents will be able to check out their child with child’s homeroom teacher. If another parent is taking your child home a note must be provided for the teacher.
If you are able to send Little Debbie snacks or drinks (Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Coke, or bottle water) please email your homeroom teacher and let them know. Also we need parent volunteers to help hide the eggs. The volunteers need to be at school at 8:45 to hide the eggs. If you are able to be a volunteer, please let your child’s homeroom teacher know through email.
Egg Requirements: *No chocolate or anything with nuts
*Candy individually wrapped
*Eggs taped shut
*Make sure the plastic eggs are the size to fit
in an egg carton (medium sized)